Best Oral and Head Neck Cancer Treatment in Behala, Kolkata

Oral and Head Neck Cancer

Risk Factors and Awareness: Oral and head neck cancer risks are significantly influenced by lifestyle choices such as tobacco and alcohol use, sun exposure, and exposure to high-risk HPV. Promoting awareness of these risk factors is essential for early detection, as individuals can then seek timely medical attention upon noticing persistent symptoms like mouth sores, lumps, or changes in voice.

Multifaceted Treatment Approach: The treatment landscape for oral and head neck cancer involves a multidisciplinary approach. Depending on the cancer type and stage, interventions may include surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, and targeted therapies. Early diagnosis remains pivotal, as it allows for more effective and less invasive treatment options, thereby improving overall prognosis.

The Key Points of Oral and Head Neck Cancer Treatment

Oral and head neck cancer, encompassing a diverse range of malignancies, demands comprehensive and multidisciplinary treatment strategies for optimal outcomes, involving surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, and emerging therapies.

Multimodal Treatment Approaches

Effective treatment of oral and head neck cancer often involves a combination of surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. The choice of treatment modalities depends on the type, location, and stage of the cancer, as well as the overall health of the patient.

Surgical Interventions

Surgery is commonly employed to remove the cancerous tissue. Depending on the extent of the disease, surgical options may include tumor excision, lymph node dissection, or reconstructive procedures to restore form and function.

Radiation Therapy

High-energy radiation is utilized to target and destroy cancer cells. Radiation therapy may be administered externally (external beam radiation) or internally (brachytherapy). It is often employed as a primary treatment or in combination with surgery and chemotherapy.


Chemotherapy involves the use of drugs to kill or inhibit the growth of cancer cells. It is particularly useful in cases where cancer has spread to other parts of the body or as part of a comprehensive treatment plan before or after surgery.

Targeted Therapy

Targeted therapies focus on specific molecules or pathways involved in the growth and survival of cancer cells. These therapies aim to interfere with cancer cell functions while minimizing damage to normal cells, potentially leading to more targeted and less toxic treatment options.


Immunotherapy harnesses the body's immune system to recognize and attack cancer cells. This evolving treatment approach is being explored for its potential in oral and head neck cancer, particularly in cases where other treatments may have limitations.

Best Oral and Head Neck Cancer Treatment in Behala

For inquiries about the best oral and head neck cancer treatment in Behala, please contact our Director of Oncology Services for personalized information and assistance.

Oral and Head Neck Cancer Treatment

Navigating Excellence: Comprehensive Strategies in Oral and Head Neck Cancer Treatment

Integrated Care Protocols

Highlighting the implementation of holistic and coordinated care plans, bringing together surgical, medical, and radiation oncology expertise to address the complexity of oral and head neck cancer treatments.

Surgical Precision and Innovation

Emphasizing the utilization of advanced surgical techniques, from tumor excision to reconstructive procedures, showcasing a commitment to precision and continuous innovation in enhancing patient outcomes.

Tailored Radiation Therapies

Showcasing the customization of radiation therapy approaches, including external and internal methods, to precisely target cancer cells while minimizing impact on surrounding healthy tissues for optimal efficacy.

Strategic Chemotherapy Applications

Illustrating the strategic use of chemotherapy as a systemic treatment, either pre-surgery to shrink tumors, post-surgery to eliminate residual cells, or as an independent therapy, highlighting a nuanced approach to patient care.

Pioneering Targeted Therapies

Focusing on the incorporation of cutting-edge targeted therapies, disrupting specific molecular pathways associated with cancer growth, providing patients with more precise and potentially less invasive treatment options.

Immunotherapy Frontiers

Exploring the evolving role of immunotherapy in oral and head neck cancer treatment, highlighting ongoing research and its potential in cases resistant to conventional therapies, demonstrating a commitment to staying at the forefront of medical advancements.

Reclaiming Health: Essential Steps After Oral and Head Neck Cancer Treatment

Navigating life beyond oral and head neck cancer treatment involves a holistic approach, encompassing medical follow-ups, rehabilitative therapies, and emotional support for a comprehensive journey towards renewed well-being.

Follow-Up Medical Appointments

Attend regular follow-up appointments with your healthcare team to monitor your recovery progress, discuss any potential side effects, and address emerging concerns. These appointments are crucial for long-term surveillance and early detection of any recurrence.

Speech and Swallowing Therapy

Engage in speech therapy and swallowing exercises, especially if the treatment has affected these functions. Rehabilitation programs tailored to your specific needs can enhance oral function, communication, and overall quality of life.

Nutritional Guidance

Work with a nutritionist to develop a tailored dietary plan that addresses any challenges related to eating and nutrition. Maintaining proper nutrition is vital for recovery and overall well-being.

Psychological Support

Seek counseling or join support groups to address the emotional and psychological aspects of your journey. Dealing with the aftermath of cancer treatment can be challenging, and professional or peer support can be invaluable.

Oral Hygiene Maintenance

Prioritize good oral hygiene practices to prevent complications and maintain oral health. Regular dental check-ups, proper cleaning routines, and addressing any dental concerns promptly are essential post-treatment habits.

Physical Exercise

Incorporate regular physical exercise into your routine, as it can contribute to overall well-being and recovery. Consult with your healthcare team to determine appropriate activities based on your individual health status and post-treatment needs. Additionally, consider wellness programs that focus on relaxation techniques and stress management.

Critical Emergencies in Oral and Head Neck Cancer: Recognizing and Responding to Urgent Signs

In the realm of oral and head neck cancer, recognizing and promptly responding to critical emergencies is paramount for ensuring optimal patient outcomes and well-being.

Sudden Difficulty in Breathing or Swallowing

If an individual with oral and head neck cancer experiences sudden and severe difficulty in breathing or swallowing, it may indicate a medical emergency. This could be due to tumor growth or complications related to the treatment, requiring immediate attention.

Uncontrolled Bleeding

Uncontrolled bleeding from the mouth, throat, or nose may occur as a result of surgical complications, advanced cancer, or treatment side effects. Rapid and excessive bleeding poses an emergency situation, necessitating prompt medical intervention.

Severe Pain or Altered Mental Status

Severe and unrelenting pain or a sudden change in mental status, such as confusion or disorientation, may indicate complications such as infection, neurological issues, or other urgent conditions. Seeking emergency medical care is crucial in these situations.

What Our Patient Says

Rachna Thapliyal
Rachna Thapliyal
Had an ear wax removal procedure done, thankfully it was super comfortable and painless!! Thank you Doctor.
Sanowar Ali
Sanowar Ali
I was suffering from Change of Voice due to excessive vocal use. Dr Rahul performed Fibre optic laryngoscopy and diagnosed it as vocal cord nodule. Speech therapy was advised. Highly recommended
Abul Kalam
Abul Kalam
I was suffering from Vertigo. Dr Rahul did clinical examination and Vertigo test, and diagnosed my condition. He is the best ENT and Vertigo Doctor in Kolkata
Sneha Mondal
Sneha Mondal
Good doctor.He is a very simple and gentle in his behaviour
Kalu Shing
Kalu Shing
Best Vertigo Doctor
Anjan Mondal
Anjan Mondal
Best Ear Nose Throat Doctor in Newtown. Did throat endoscopy
Arun Shakya
Arun Shakya
Needs to be more attentive and responsive.
Sneha Das
Sneha Das
Very nice Doctor

Frequent Ask Question

Promptly seek emergency medical assistance, as this could indicate a serious complication requiring urgent attention.

While bleeding is a potential complication, uncontrolled bleeding is rare. If it occurs, it is considered an emergency, and immediate medical intervention is crucial.

Yes, severe and persistent pain, especially if accompanied by altered mental status, may indicate complications requiring urgent medical attention.

If you experience sudden and severe symptoms, such as difficulty breathing, uncontrolled bleeding, or severe pain, consider these as signs of a potential emergency and seek immediate medical help.

Rapid intervention is crucial in preventing further complications, managing acute symptoms, and optimizing the chances of a successful outcome in emergency situations.

While emergencies cannot always be predicted, following post-treatment care instructions, attending regular follow-up appointments, and promptly reporting any unusual symptoms can contribute to early detection and intervention, minimizing the risk of emergencies.