Snoring and Sleep Apnea

Snoring and Sleep Apnea Treatment Clinic
Explore Simple Solutions To Treat Snoring and Sleep Apnea

Positional Therapy Devices
These devices encourage a person to sleep in a proper position while sleeping, thus improving breathing.

BiPAP Machines
BiPAp machines give two different air pressures making it easier for a person to breathe in and out during sleep.

Surgical Interventions
Surgeries help in removing any present blockages in the throat to help breathe better at night.
The Connection Between Snoring and Sleep Apnea
At our clinic, we offer a range of easy-to-understand treatments for treating snoring and sleep apnea. Our goal is to help you find the best results for better sleep and a healthier life.
Snoring can be a sign of sleep apnea
Not everyone who snores has sleep apnea.
However, persistent snoring warrants evaluation.
Long-Term Monitoring

Contact us Today
- +91 9831619111
What are the common symptoms of Snoring and Sleep Apnea
- Loud snoring followed by periods of silence
- Gasping or choking during sleep.
- Daytime fatigue and excessive sleepiness
- Difficulty concentrating and irritability

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Frequently Asked Questions
Common causes include nasal congestion, obesity, sleep position, and alcohol consumption. Structural issues in the throat can also contribute.
Diagnosis typically involves a sleep study, either at home or in a sleep clinic, to monitor breathing patterns.
Yes, it does cause loss of consciousness. In an emergency, ensure that the person is safe and then call for medical help immediately.
Seek medical advice if snoring disrupts your sleep or if you experience symptoms of sleep apnea. Early intervention is crucial for health.